Eastern Box Turtle and Green Anole Lizard mosaic play sculptures were constructed and mosaicked in the artist's studio between fall 2023 - spring 2024 and installed in May 2024. They are located in Harris Shoals Park, along a new Art Walk leading to the popular ESP Playground of Possibilities

Thanks to the City of Watkinsville and the Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation (OCAF) for the project support
Below is work in progress:

The mosaic sculptures were fabricated in my studio, and then transported and installed

I learned SO MUCH from this project! Loved the learning and the creative variety : )

Made with love for my sister Michelle Haag. Her love for herps (reptiles and amphibians) could be contagious, and as a veterinarian, caring for animals was a primary focus of her life. I thought about Michelle often while making these, which was nice! Keep the spirit of those you love alive inside, whether they are really there or not!

Much of the turtle tile was handmade and community-glazed

Thanks to local artist-of-all-trades Leonard Piha who welded the simple structural armatures while teaching me basic metalworking skills. What a wonderful way to begin this epic project!