These small pieces aren't mosaics, but they are "mosaicky", with ceramic tile branches, shimmery blue mirror borders, and handmade ceramic birds and leaves. 2022 was my first experience doing holiday artist markets. I found it to be a HUGE challenge to make SMALL pieces that are affordable. I found success with this series, featuring Cardinals and Eastern Phoebes with charming green and gold ginkgo leaves.

The Eastern Phoebe pictured below came to visit me on four occasions, flying into my studio, onto my kiln shed, and even sitting on my knee while I was finishing the Bottle Palace on the patio. I called it my Encouraging Bird. I had recently finished months of BC treatment and was feeling challenged making items for holiday markets. The visits of this brave little bird seemed like a magical sign. Note: to the right, the ceramic bird rests on a color print of a photo I took of the real bird, creating a special effect.